Wednesday 5 August 2009

JUAN JOSÉ CALARCO – Dársena Interna

Mystery Sea

Argentinean Calarco, previously met by yours truly on a 3-inch by the late The Locus Of Assemblage imprint and a collaborator of people such as Ubeboet and Pablo Reche, composed Dársena Interna entirely through the seaming and processing of metropolitan field recordings, thus creating an engulfing soundscape imbued of rumbles, undercurrents and from-the-underground reverberations.

Naturally we have encountered this variety of substances a thousand times before, but given the circumstance I don’t feel like disparaging the effort; it takes a degree of good judgment to pull this type of material together without making the outcome sound totally worn-out. Providentially, in this case the designer succeeded, in all probability because the essential sources are collected and exposed “as they are”, minus excessive intellectual mannerism or veiled implications. In a couple of occasions, distant echoing washes caused the recollection of personal memories of nocturnal insomnia imprinted by the remote roaring of passing trains, a chronic presence during adolescent ruminations over the course of many summers.

If you give up looking for the “unforgettable masterwork” for a moment this CD makes for pleasurable company, perhaps best enjoyed as a background soundtrack for semi-lucid considerations about the contingent aspects of existence. Whirr, hum, whoosh, thud. We all know how it goes. Still, this particular offering sounds as a honest job.